There are several infection control practices that we ask you to observe during your hospital stay.
Hospital staff takes precautions to prevent contact with all patients’ blood or body fluids. Gloves, gowns, masks or face protection may be worn, depending upon the task being performed. Also, cough etiquette is important for all patients to follow to prevent the spread of infection. To perform good cough etiquette, please cover your cough with a tissue, discard the tissue in a trash container after use, and perform hand hygiene.
Some infectious and communicable diseases require more than Standard Precautions. Special equipment and door signage may be required. You door may need to remain closed and you may be limited to your room, if you require certain isolation precautions. You may continue to use the telephone, receive mail, watch television, and move around your room. While you are in isolation precautions, your visitors also may need to wear masks, gowns, or gloves.
You will notice staff performing hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand foam or by washing their hands with soap and water. Hand hygiene is the most important and effective way to stop the spread of infection. You, as the patient, can help by performing hand hygiene: