Weight Loss Options at Wood County Hospital and Falcon Health Center
Wood County Hospital and the Falcon Health Center provide nutrition, diet and lifestyle options to safely lose weight and establish healthy habits to maintain weight loss.
Diet Free is an affordable weight loss and nutrition program that will help patients lose excess weight, improve energy, avoid diabetes, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and even fight cancer. The program consists of weekly group meetings that help accountability and serve as motivation to members and can include weigh-ins but are not required. The meetings are in the hospital meeting rooms on Tuesdays from noon to 12:45pm. The next round of programming runs from April 23-June 25th. The cost is only $100 for the program class materials, sessions and ongoing support at dietfree.com. Members can join by visiting www.WoodCountyHospital.org/classes or by calling (419) 354-8887.
The Falcon Challenge at the Falcon Health Center is a physician supervised 10-week weight management and healthy lifestyle program. The goal is to provide patients the tools and knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle beyond the program to see long term benefits and health improvements. Participants can expect to see an array of health and lifestyle benefits like muscle gain, lower blood pressure, increased energy, improved sleep, lessened cravings, and improved mood. The program consists of an introduction visit with the program physician, Jeffery Swartz M.D. There are daily/weekly check ins with a healthcare coach, acupuncture to suppress cravings, a physician referred exercise program and 60-day membership to the BGSU Rec Center including six personal training sessions, healthy cooking classes, healthy supplements and an anti-inflammatory based diet. The program runs in 10-week intervals and costs $350. Please call (419) 728-0601 and ask to speak with Katie Grindle R.N., BSN, Healthcare Coach, for more information and to find out when the next program begins.
For those whose weight is more than 100 pounds over their ideal body weight, whose body mass index is 40 or greater, or those with a BMI of 35 or greater plus other weight-related illnesses (co-morbidities) Bariatric surgery may be an option. The Center for Weight Loss Surgery at Wood County Hospital offers several types of bariatric surgery. If you are considering the procedure, the hospital’s bariatric surgery team can help you explore all of your options so you may make the best choice for you. For more information visit WoodCountyHospital.org/weightloss or you can call our office at (419) 373-7699.