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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence is alarmingly common, with over 10 million people suffering abuse at the hands of a partner. Many of these cases, however, go unreported and unnoticed.

Hospitals can play a vital role in supporting those affected by domestic violence. When a victim of abuse comes to a hospital seeking medical attention, the hospital can provide essential care, information and resources, such as connections to local domestic violence services that assist with safety planning, housing assistance, peer support and mental health services. Hospitals serve as a safe space where victims can be treated in a secure and private environment, supported by trained professionals who are equipped to offer compassionate care and guide them toward the comprehensive services needed to ensure their safety and well-being.

Domestic violence isn't as apparent as you might think – it often doesn't start with physical abuse and can be hard to recognize if it is happening to those around us.

Signs to watch for:

  •  Justifying injuries with excuses
  • Notable change in personality, such as a normally confident person showing signs of low self-esteem
  • Frequently checking in with their partner
  • Never having money on hand
  • Overly worried about making their partner happy
  • Missing work, school or social outings for no clear reason
  • Wearing clothes that do not fit the season, such as long sleeves in the summer to cover bruises


If you suspect someone you know is being abused, speak up. When you approach them, express your concerns, listen attentively to their response, offer your assistance, reassure them that you're there for them and respect their choices.

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, seek help. The National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE) offers confidential support 24/7.

In the Wood County area, we have the following resources:

No Wrong Door: Offers guidance and connection to local agencies, ensuring that residents can access the assistance they need without navigating multiple systems. Whether you're facing financial hardship, seeking healthcare resources, or need help with housing, they can direct you to the right support. https://www.co.wood.oh.us/commissioners/NoWrongDoor/default.html

United Way 211:
A free, confidential service that connects individuals to a wide range of support services, including food assistance, housing, utility help, healthcare access, and mental health resources. https://www.unitedwaytoledo.org/united-way-211/#:~:text=United%20Way%20211%20is%20a,%2C%20Ottawa%2C%20and%20Wood%20counties.

The Cocoon: 
Domestic and sexual violence agency in Wood County that offers shelter and advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, stalking and adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. https://thecocoon.org/

Wood County Hospital Community Health Workers: 
Offers a variety of community resources designed to assist residents in our community in maintaining their health and safety.