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Rehabilitation Services

Welcome to our county’s most comprehensive rehab services

Sports Medicine

Our Sports Medicine program provides a full range of sports medicine and athletic training services to athletes in the Wood County area. The program deals with the unique needs of athletes of all ages, ranging from middle and high school students, collegiate athletes at Bowling Green State University, to weekend warriors.

We are committed to the belief that the same quality care available to professional athletes should be given to each and every individual. Through an integrated approach with our patients, families and coaches, we strive to deliver on that principle.


Video running analysis allows therapists to view frame-by-frame shots of running form and identify faulty running mechanics that may contribute to running related pain or injuries.

Click Here For Your Running Analysis

Sports Injuries

Specific appointment times to be seen by an athletic trainer and physician will be made by the trainer with students from our contract schools (Bowling Green, Elmwood, Eastwood, Patrick Henry) that have a traumatic injury.

Students from other schools are encouraged to make an appointment to be seen directly in one of our physician or orthopedic offices.​

Athletic Training

Our staff of certified and licensed athletic trainers work closely with high school athletes and coaches to prevent injuries, optimize performance, and return injured athletes to competition as soon as possible. They provide on-site coverage to Bowling Green, Eastwood and Elmwood high schools.

Running Analysis

Digital recording allows therapists to analyze running gait at key points in the running cycle.  This information can be used to prescribe running-specific exercises and to correct running form through video feedback and step rate manipulation training.  Therapists educate patients on use of a metronome to improve running form and efficiency.  This program is available as part of our physical therapy services or as a fee-based service for community members.

Coaches Clinic

The Coaches Clinic is designed for coaches required to obtain a Pupil Activity Permit approved by the Ohio Department of Education. The Pupil Activity Permit is required for a pupil activity program that involves athletics, routine or required physical activity or activities with health and safety considerations.