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Be part of a healthier community of care.


Volunteers are at the heart of Wood County Hospital as part of the daily routine, escorting patients, enhancing the patient experience, supporting families and assisting staff. This dedication and genuine focus on helping others have brought an even higher standard of healthcare to our community. 

Volunteering offers remarkable benefits, enhancing overall health and well-being, extending and enriching our lives, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing depression and stress levels through social interactions. Additionally, volunteer work actively stimulates the brain, leading to improved mental health and a decreased risk of dementia. If you are looking for added purpose and fulfillment, particularly during the transition from a career-focused life to retirement, supporting our patients through meaningful activities may be just the answer. You will gain new experiences, make invaluable connections and find enhanced well-being and fulfillment through volunteering. 

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Welcome Center Main Entrance: Assists patients and visitors, delivers gifts to patient rooms
  • Messenger: Delivers mail within hospital 
  • Surgical Waiting Room: Serves as liaison between patients, their families, physicians and staff 
  • Gift Shop Associate: Provides customer service to guests in Gift Shop, rings sales 
  • Welcome Center ER: Directs and escorts guests 
  • Pet Therapy: Visits patient rooms with certified therapy dog 
  • School Tour: Escorts classes during school tour 
  • Maurer Family Cancer Care Center: Provides comfort and assistance to patients and their families 
  • Clerical Assistance, Special Projects: Volunteers are always needed to help departments with filing, data entry and phone reception services.  Special projects and events are often staffed by volunteers
  • Meal Delivery: Deliver meals to homebound individuals
Prachi Patel

Prachi Patel, Student at The Ohio State University, Welcome Center Volunteer

"I wanted to help out the community and give back because it's something I'm passionate about. So I thought volunteering here at the hospital would be a perfect opportunity for that."

Volunteer Requirements

We’re so happy you’re interested in volunteering for Wood County Hospital. Our requirements include:  

  • General interest in the hospital and its needs  
  • 18 years of age or over  
  • Observe strict confidentiality  
  • Commit to a regular schedule  
  • Dependable, friendly and outgoing  
  • Must be willing to commit to 50 hours of volunteerism within a semester  

Give us a call so we can talk about your specific areas of interest and what type of commitment will fit into your busy schedule. 

We can work around vacations, family and other important commitments. Many volunteers are scheduled once a week or twice a month, but we will work with you. 

Print off an application to apply or contact Laurie Newlove, Volunteer Services Coordinator, at (419) 354-8942 or via e-mail newlovel@woodcountyhospital.org for more information.