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Ready Program Receives Picnic Table Donation

Two new picnic tables were recently installed on the playground outside of the Rehabilitation Services building for students in the Ready Program. One of the tables was purchased through a donation and the other given to the program for free as a gesture of generosity and support of the programs Wood County Hospital provides to the community. 

Last fall, following the fundraiser through Hops and Vines, a Rugby group in Findlay donated $275 to fund a new addition to the playground area. It was decided a picnic table would be purchased from Herron’s Furniture Store in Napoleon. The company agreed to sell a table, typically priced at $389, for the donation price of $275 and they were so interested in supporting the program that they supplied a second picnic table free! Sharon Pahl shared, “It worked out perfectly because six kids wouldn’t have been able to fit around just one table. Thank you to Herron’s Furniture Store for their generous donation which will aid the Ready Program in future for outside learning activities.” It’s community members and donations such as these that support our mission to provide our community with many services close to home.