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Introducing the Latest Addition To Robotic Surgery

Advances in medical technology have allowed healthcare professionals to achieve unprecedented results in surgery and recovery for patients. Wood County Hospital understands the benefits of robotic-assisted surgery and other advanced medical technologies. We are proud of the latest addition to our surgical suite, the da Vinci XI 4th generation robotic surgical system. Robotic-assisted surgery is minimally invasive and allows specially trained surgeons to perform a wide range of delicate and complex operations through a few small incisions.

“Robotic” Misconceptions

The term “robotic” can mean many things to many patients. One important consideration if you or a loved one is considering robotic-assisted surgery is that robots do not perform surgery. The latest advancements in robotic surgery allow your surgeon to perform the surgery using instruments that they guide using a console. The technology enables surgeons to be even more precise and less invasive than ever before.

Da Vinci XI System Enhancements

The da Vinci XI surgical system is one of the most advanced minimally invasive options for complex surgeries. It can be used in the areas of colorectal, general, gynecologic, and urologic surgery. Special instruments allow for tight control and act as an extension of the surgeon’s arm. Sharper 3D-HD visualization allows for clearer images while performing surgery, increasing safety and precision. An intuitive range of motion gives our surgeon’s more reach, meaning they can perform more complex procedures.

Greater Capabilities

The XI allows for greater versatility and exploration. This allows surgeons to explore different parts of the body mid-operation without repositioning the entire system. With four arms that are mounted onto an overhead boom, the da Vinci surgical system can rotate and pivot in virtually any direction. It translates your surgeon’s hand movements in real time, bending and rotating the instrument while performing the procedure. When you have surgery performed with the assistance of the da Vinci XI you will likely experience a shorter hospital stay, less blood loss, fewer complications, less need for pain medicine, faster recovery, and minimal scarring.

Experienced Team

The surgeons at Wood County Hospital are specially trained to perform surgeries using the da Vinci XI surgical system. Consult with your doctor to determine if robotic-assisted surgery is right for you. For more information on robotic-assisted surgery click here or call our hospital at (419) 354-8900.