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2022 WCH Cancer Screening Excellence Award

Recently, WCH was not only celebrated for its overall workplace wellbeing program by the Healthy Business Council of Ohio, but the Ohio Department of Health announced that WCH was also awarded the Cancer Screening Excellence Award.

 The state of Ohio works to increase access to, education about and resources regarding cancer screenings. In 2020, the Ohio Department of Health began awarding the Cancer Screening Excellence Award to organizations that completed the Healthy Business Council of Ohio’s Healthy Worksite Award application and scored highly on questions about cancer screening.

Only 20 worksites state-wide were honored with the award this year, but WCH’s exemplary efforts have earned a spot on that list.

Organizations receiving the award have demonstrated their commitment to making cancer screenings available to their employees, as well as promoting and incentivizing cancer screenings in their workplaces through a variety of methods, including offering time off for employees to participate in screenings (without asking the employee to take paid time off), adopting policies to encourage screenings and offering incentives such as cash or gifts to employees who participate in cancer screening.

Congratulations to Wellness and all the staff working to increase screenings and education on cancer prevention.

Please visit the Ohio Department of Health’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Project website for information about cancer screening and resources available to worksites.